Christopher Metzger is a socially engaged artist and educator based in Baltimore, MD. He began his teaching career in the Baltimore City Public School System and has extensive experience teaching art within the public, private, and non-profit sectors. As an Assistant Professor of Digital Media at Stevenson University, he teaches computer graphics and digital photography, with a strong focus on the practical and theoretical use of technology by artists and designers. Metzger’s teaching philosophy is centered on fostering community and investigating representational justice through the lens of visual literacy. His creative practice often engages communities in collaborative-based projects and his personal work deals with themes related to race, class, and identity, examining these broad ideas through both an historical and contemporary lens.
Metzger’s public art projects have been displayed throughout Baltimore City and in 2015 he collaborated with students at Morgan State University on the Black Lives Matter Inside Out Project. The project garnered international attention following the Baltimore Uprising, was exhibited in 2015 at Art Basel Miami, and documentation of the project was included in the PBS series Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise in 2016. Metzger’s article, Whoever Died from a Rough Ride, will be published in the fall 2018 issue of the journal Public Art Dialogue: Public Art as Political Action. Originating from his work as a socially engaged educator and his research into decolonizing art and design education, he will be co-chairing the panel Envisioning Justice: Dismantling Curricular Prejudice, at FATE’s 17th Biennial Conference in April 2019.